Educational Programs
Interested in booking your organization for an educational program? Well the, you've come to the right place! Back To The Wild programs are great for everyone from pre-schoolers to senior citizen clubs. Check out the information below to learn more about our programming or to book your very own Back To The Wild wildlife presentation!
Types of Programs
On-Site: On-site programs are held right here at Back To The Wild. They typically take around 1.5 to 2 hours and include a bird of prey presentation in our amphitheater as well as a tour of our center to meet many of our other ambassadors. These programs can also include the use of our pavilion for meetings and meals and/or a bonfire in our firepit.
Off-Site: Off-site programs are held at a venue of your choice. Things to keep in mind for off-site programs include:
Make sure your venue allows live animals
Costs to Back To The Wild are much higher for off-site presentations meaning we have to ask for larger donations to cover our expenses.
There must be enough space to set up our display while making sure people can't get too close to our wildlife ambassadors.
If it is outdoors, we need to have shelter from the elements. Serious rain and/or thunderstorms, tornado advisories, intense heat, or high winds will force us to cancel in these situations.
Zoom Live-Streamed programs: This new addition to our program choice was brought about by necessity during the COVID 19 lockdowns. However, we've found that live streamed programs work very well for many people so we've decided to keep it around. You do NOT NEED ZOOM in order to have a Zoom program!
For more information, check out the links below! To book a program, email education@backtothewild.org or give our Education Director a call at 419-684-9539